The 'Temptation Island' Cast Members Who Stayed Friends After The Show
Many couples and singles have come to "Temptation Island," and while they may leave without a relationship, most leave with new friends.

“Temptation Island” sees a lot of relationships end, but few people talk about the friendships that are made amid all the turmoil and strife.
Over the years, many couples have come to the island thinking they needed bad significant other to be happy. However, what they found instead are men and women who make them feel appreciated, loved, and seen for the wonderful person they are. Sometimes that kind of platonic attention and confidence is all one needs to complete their journey solo.
While many couples manage to find a deeper love for each other through their experience on the island, we thought it might be nice to look at just some of the unsung success stories from “Temptation Island” — the friendships that have emerged and persisted long after the show.
Ash Lamiroult & Brianna Taylor
Ash came to the island in Season 4 with their boyfriend of a year and half, Hania Stocker. At the time, they knew Ash was moving to the east coast from Arizona and he was pitching the idea of an open relationship.
While on the island, Ash moved on with a single in their villa while Hania realized he desperately wanted to remain with Ash and even proposed at the end of the season. Unfortunately, it was too little too late and Ash decided to leave single.
A few months after the show ended, though, Ash started posting videos with single Brianna Hile from that season. Eventually, Ash revealed they moved to Las Vegas and currently live with Brianna and, by all accounts, the duo is having a ball together going to parties, sunbathing by the pool, and just generally laughing a lot.
Kaci Campbell & Erin Smith
Perhaps the most popular friendship to emerge from “Temptation Island” was between Season 1 star Kaci Campbell and Season 3 star Erin Smith. Kaci famously had one of the most heartbreaking splits at the end of the show when her boyfriend moved on with another woman, leaving her single and in tears. Erin, meanwhile, left the island with her boyfriend Corey Sobczyk only to call it quits after the show.
Being in the same “Temptation Island” orbit, though, allowed Kaci and Erin to hit it off and they decided to launch a podcast all about “Temptation Island” and reality TV in general called “It’s Tempting.”
Since launching, they’ve become one of the core places to go to catch up with how the contestants on “Temptation Island” have been doing since leaving the show and it’s allowed fans of theirs to keep up with their personal lives now that their time on the show is done.
Iris Jardiel & Gillian Lieberman
The two women became really close with each other during their respective journeys on “Temptation Island” Season 4, even if their outcomes couldn’t have been more different.
Iris walked away from the island engaged to her longtime boyfriend, Luke Wechselberger. Gillian, meanwhile, learned things weren’t what they seemed with her college sweetheart Edgar De Santiago.
Since the show ended, though, they seem to have found a party partner in each other. They’re constantly sharing photos of themselves out and about and even attended a festival together in April. In one Instagram post, Iris put it perfectly, calling Gillian the “she” to her “nanigans.”
Thomas Gipson/Chelsea Orcutt & Kristen Ramos Julian Allen
Despite there being a lot of emotions flying during Season 3, much of the cast has remained friendly on social media despite breakups and distance. However, two couples who rise to the top are Thomas Gipson and Chelsea Orcutt who remained friends with newlyweds Kristen Ramos and Julian Allen.
The latter pair got married recently at a lavish ceremony and Thomas and Chelsea were among the many guests from “Temptation Island” who were honored with an invite. They spent the night filming the happy couple and dancing the night away with everyone else in attendance.
It was a beautiful moment for fans to see the quartet of friends celebrating a marriage that may not have been without the show alongside friends they never would have met were it not for their time on “Temptation Island.”
You can catch past episodes of "Temptation Island" on Peacock and USA Network.