Lascelles Makes A Stunning Announcement In A New Episode Of 'Temptation Island'
Some of the singles are eliminated from each villa in the latest episode of "Temptation Island" Season 4. As always, there's a twist.

The bonfire on last week’s episode of “Temptation Island" was a tense one for our couples: Gillian Lieberman and Edgar De Santiago, Lascelles Lagares and Ashley Rodriguez, Iris Jardiel and Luke Wechselberger, and Hania Stocker and Ash Lamiroult. However, some positive growth is happening, as Ash is realizing how much bad behavior they’ve excused in their relationship and Luke realizes he may need to speed up his self-improvement journey as he has competition for Iris’ heart.
So, what happened on Episode 5 of “Temptation Island” Season 4? Let’s dive in.
Speaking of stronger emotional connections, Lascelles has decided it's time to let everyone know his choice. In the midst of a slip and slide party (there comes a point in all adult theme party brainstorm sessions where you run out of ideas and just recycle your 10th birthday celebration), Lacelles makes a loud proclamation: "I'm only romantically interested in Trace. I found this out between 10 to 15 minutes of knowing her ... No one else approach me!"
This, as you may guess, is not warmly received by all of the singles. Alexa and Olivia call him "toxic" and "co-dependent" in a confessional, while one of the singles yells at him," You aren't going to grow!" Lascelles doesn't back down, though. He's found his emotional connection and he's fine without getting to know anyone else, thank you very much, a sentiment which pleases Trace. But what does that mean for his relationship with Ashley?
At the women's villa, Gillian tells Tommy she wants him in her bed — with boundaries. Tommy, naturally, responds that he doesn't know what that means. Gillian says in an interview she thinks they'll probably just stay up all night talking. We then see her and Tommy promptly start to make out. Looks like it's more about the kissing than the talking to us!
Hania, meanwhile, is not having a good time. He stares forlornly at a photo of Ash like they are wartime lovers, split by disaster, instead of a couple that came to a small island to willingly test their relationship. Hania tearfully confesses to some of the girls he's treated Ash terribly, cheating on them and lying about it. It took seeing Ash do the same thing — kiss someone else – for him to realize how much that would hurt.
Lascelles is confronted for hurting someone, too. Alexa and Olivia sit him down, so Alexa can explain she felt mislead. This talk clearly has Lascelles confused and frustrated, as he thought he already apologized. Alexa, however, wants to make her point again and again. Two of the single women lay laughing on a nearby couch, relishing the opportunity to listen to the conversation, which they clearly feel is a waste of time.
"It didn't go anywhere," Alexa says defeatedly after her disjointed ramble. "Well, I feel you did go in circles ... " Olivia has to admit.
Unfortunately for Alexa, it's now time for the elimination. Five of the single women and five of the single men will be sent home. However, there is a twist — this time, the fellow singles vote on who gets sent home. Some of the singles choose to be very strategic — eliminating the obvious competition for Ash, which is Taylor. Brian, Andrew, Mike M. and Evan are all voted off, too.
Ash is sobbing so hard the other women have to hold them up as they contemplate life on the island without Taylor. That's when host Mark L. Wahlberg offers a lifeline: The women can choose to agree with the singles' decision, swap out one of their choices for someone else, or simply keep one of the eliminated men. In a show of solidarity, the women all happily agree to keep Taylor for Ash.
At the men's villa, it plays out a little differently. Reilly, Brianna, Emily, Meghan, and Olivia are voted off the island, in a manner of speaking. The men take this opportunity to rescue Meghan, who Luke wanted to ask out — and get rid of Alexa, so she can stop asking Lascelles why he won't date her.
A '70s-themed party, complete with crazy wigs and fun sunglasses, takes place at the men's villa that night, while a Mardi Gras-themed bash occurs at the women's villa. Iris in particular is living her best life, noting she's learned she can "party respectfully, have a good time, and still be respectful to myself and my relationship." Her antics don't go unnoticed: The single men vote her Mardi Gras queen.
Iris is not interested in being physical with anyone at this moment, and it seems neither is Luke. He cries to Paige, saying he's learning to be more emotionally open and express his feelings more, so he can be better man for Iris. Hania has always decided he wants Ash back. His way of doing that, though, is by making Karyna his "girlfriend for the time being" so he can practice monogamy with her. Hmmmmm. Is that wise, Hania?
Another bonfire occurs, where Lascelles watches Ashley confide in Blake that she thinks there's no real emotional connection between her and Lascelles. As usual, Lascelles is very chill about Ashley's revelations, admitting "there's truth to that" as she's never seen him get emotional.
Luke watches Iris dance with the men and win Mardi Gras queen, a clip he claims doesn't make him jealous. Instead he's "happy to see she's letting loose and growing." Luke, who cannot have a conversation without the word "growth" anymore, notes he's doing the exact same thing.
Edgar, who has been swooning over Marissa and reciting poetry for her, is devastated to see Gillian kiss Tommy in her bed. "I feel I love her a little more than she loves me," he tells Mark. That's fair — except isn't he doing the same thing to Gillian right now?
Hania has it worse: He sees Ash and Taylor moaning in bed together (eek!). But the clip Ash sees undoubtedly hurts more. They watch as Hania admits he cheated on Ash and lied about it.
"I'm relieved to know I'm not stupid," Aah says, admitting they've sensed for awhile Hania had cheated. Ash, whose penchant for metaphors might top Luke's love for the term "growth," proclaims: "The blossoms on my tree are becoming fruit, and he's just beginning to blossom."
Iris, meanwhile, sees Luke's teary conversation with Paige, and notes she's proud of him for getting to that level. But Ashley's is harder to process: She watches Lascelles tell everyone he's only romantically interested in Trace and also sees Lascelles tell Trace he'll likely need to take a break with Ashley.
Ashley seems to have no idea what to say to that. "If a break is needed to help us grow or more self-love than a break is OK but it would have to be a discussion," she trails off, rightfully confused by what Lascelles seem to be implying — that he needs to have a break to decide if he wants Trace more than her.
Gillian has "the worst bonfire" as she watches Edgar say in an interview, "I love you, Gillian, but if you don't love me, leave me alone! Leave me alone!" She's horrified to see he's in pain and is starting to feel guilty. What does that mean for their future?
"Temptation Island" airs Wednesdays at 10 p.m. ET on USA Network. Catch up now on USA Network.