She's Back!: Maryse Shows Off Her Return To The WWE Ring Ahead of 'Miz & Mrs' Finale
Maryse Mizanin spend Season 3 of "Miz & Mrs" preparing to return to the WWE ring. Now you can see her in action.

Maryse Mizanin is showing off her triumphant comeback after spending a good portion of "Miz & Mrs" Season 3 grappling with her return to grappling with Superstars in the WWE ring.
On Monday, ahead of the two-part Season 3 finale, Maryse shared a clip of her spectacular return at Royal Rumble this past January where she and her husband, Mike “The Miz” Mizanin, took on Edge and Beth Phoenix.
Specifically, she shared a brief 15-second clip of the moment The Miz had the referee distracted long enough for her to climb to the top rope and perform a clean hurricanrana on an already dazed Edge, completely laying the Superstar out. Elsewhere in the match, The Miz and his wife fought pretty dirty, as they’re known to do, taking out Phoenix with a purse brick smack and more. Unfortunately for fans of the reality TV stars, Maryse’s return to the ring was not a victorious one.
However, it was still an absolutely stunning comeback for Maryse. Although they were ultimately pinned by Edge and Phoenix, she did what she set out to do: Prove that she’s capable of getting back in the ring to do some damage after years away and a new life as the mother to her two daughters, Madison and Monroe.
The video clip puts a nice button on the Season 3 finale of “Miz & Mrs," which sees mike trying his best to get his wife to take conditioning for the WWE seriously again. While she is a true professional, she drags her feet when it comes to fully committing herself to exercise. (Which ... relatable!) Fortunately, it seems all that goes away just in time for her and The Miz to make their way to Royal Rumble given how well she performed.
Maryse previously talked with USA Insider about her decision to get back to fighting in the ring.
“If I can put myself 100 percent into that physically, mentally, I will. I just get nervous because I like to be the best at what I do,” she said at the time. “I love to put my all into things that I do. So if I can't be all it … My heart is, it's my brain and my body.”
Watch the “Miz & Mrs” two-part Season 3 final at 11 p.m. ET/PT on USA Network.