How WWE Embraces and Celebrates the United States Military Veterans
WWE constantly demonstrates its commitment to its many veteran fans and those in active military service.

In the eyes of millions of fans, WWE is as American as muscle cars and apple pie. As Americans nationwide celebrate Veterans Day, it's more apt than ever to recognize WWE's contributions to supporting veterans nationwide.
How Does WWE Celebrate the U.S. Armed Forces?
WWE is more than just a sports entertainment powerhouse. It inspires, uplifts, and supports many causes – arguably none more important than the American military. Veterans Day reminds every WWE Superstars that, despite their world-class talent and iconic catchphrases, the real heroes are the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect our country. WWE knows the United States servicemen and women are vital to the continued safety of millions of members of the WWE Universe, which is why, throughout November 2023, WWE has decided to give back to those who fight so hard for our freedoms!
A few days ago, the premiere sports entertainment company in the world celebrated Veterans Day in a decidedly over-the-top but unabashed WWE-style – by raising one of the biggest American flags we've ever seen above its Stamford, Connecticut headquarters. Longtime members of the WWE Universe will surely recognize WWE HQ, as it was famously featured as the venue for the epic 2020 edition of Money in the Bank!
However, WWE didn't stop there. Their partnership with the United States Armed Forces runs deep – active duty servicemembers now have an unprecedented opportunity to experience a WWE live event for free as a thank-you for their continued service throughout November.
How Can U.S. Military Servicemembers Attend WWE Events For Free?
Opportunities to see WWE live in your hometown – for free, no less – don't come around too often, so any servicemember would be wise to take advantage of this offer. WWE's official announcement spells it all out in a straightforward fashion:
"WWE is proud to support our nation's military servicemembers and veterans and has always offered active duty servicemembers the opportunity to see a show as our guest. In celebration of Veterans Day, this November, WWE is extending the complimentary ticket offer to include all veterans with a valid veteran ID."
To claim your ticket, bring your military identification to the venue box office on the day of the show – this offer is only valid while supplies last!
Raising a humongous flag over their headquarters and offering free tickets to live events are just a few ways WWE is honoring our veterans in 2023. However, nothing in the history of WWE has successfully combined trademark in-ring action and the United States military more than WWE's annual Tribute to the Troops event!
What is WWE's Tribute to the Troops?
To put it simply, Tribute to the Troops is what the WWE Universe gets when the world of the American military collides with your favorite WWE Superstars. In a way, Tribute to the Troops is a thank-you letter to the millions of men and women who fight tirelessly in the name of the United States. The 2023 edition of the event is scheduled for December 8, and it will be another unforgettable night of WWE action in honor of the U.S. Armed Forces. Featuring exciting matches in unique environments (the event often takes place on top-secret U.S. military bases), the event is a chance for WWE Superstars to perform in front of a crowd that is entirely made up of active-duty men and women.
WWE Superstars like John Cena have been integral to each year's event, and last year we examined his greatest Tribute to the Troops moments. But John Cena isn't the only Superstar who gets in on the fun! For example, who can forget when Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose memorably showed up to the event in a bonafide tank in 2023?
In our eyes, The Shield was never cooler than in that moment. I'm sure all three members would've loved to keep the tank for future entrances, but we're sure it was a little out of their budget at the time – Reigns, Rollins, and Ambrose were still a few years away from climbing to the top of WWE in 2013. In addition to The Shield, many of the most illustrious Superstars in history have performed at Tribute for the Troops, from Stone Cold Steve Austin to Kevin Owens – and everyone in between. As Stephanie McMahon once said, events like Tribute to the Troops are a way for WWE to say "thank you to our servicemen and women who sacrifice so much to defend our freedom."
For well over 40 years, WWE has never shied away from its support for the United States military – and in 2023, that partnership is stronger than ever.
You can tune in to Peacock to watch WWE's Survivor Series on November 25. In the meantime, catch up on all things WWE Universe on Peacock.