The Rock Declares Himself The True Head Of The Table, Fuels Wild WrestleMania Speculation
Is this step one in making the biggest match in WrestleMania history a reality?

An exciting, intriguing, and “text all your friends right now” moment has just happened, one that already has set the internet abuzz with speculation.
WWE legend, Hollywood megastar, and all-around good guy Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson made an appearance on E! Network’s The Rundown yesterday, and well, he didn’t hold anything back!
When asked point-blank, “Who is Head of the Table?” by E! correspondent Erin Lim Rhodes, the Rock wasted no time with firing a well-aimed shot at the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Roman Reigns:
"Who is Head of the Table? Without saying any names,” he said with the subtlety of a jackhammer. “You're looking into his eyes right now."
Whoa. Wow. WHAT?
First of all, kudos to the Rock for teasing us with the dream match of all dream matches while we’re still nearly half a year away from WrestleMania. Second of all, we don’t know if the Rock noticed, but Roman Reigns responds to out-of-the-blue challenges pretty swiftly — just ask Logan Paul, who somehow talked his way into an Undisputed WWE Universal Title match next month at Crown Jewel. What is the Rock trying to accomplish with fighting words like that on a national stage?
Later on in the interview, the Rock tried to walk back his comments a bit, saying that he’s not confirming that he wants to fight Reigns at WrestleMania, although he expects a text from Reigns once the champion gets word of what he just said.
Still, you just don’t declare yourself as the true Head of the Table and expect nothing to come out of it — even if you’re the Rock, who is real-life cousins with Reigns.
Erin along with the rest of the WWE Universe just couldn’t let Johnson's comments slide under the radar, and she understandably asked for more clarification.
"I love the idea of a WrestleMania,” he admitted. “I'm close to a lot of people there — but very close to one in particular — who we've talked about this," he coyly stated, possibly alluding to Triple H or somebody high up in the ranks of WWE.
"So I like it,” the Rock continued. “There's so many other variables that have to come into play. But I'm a fan because I'm a promoter at heart, too. I'm a fan of promoting an event and what could that be, so I love WrestleMania and I love that world."
RELATED: The Rock Reminisces On Being Powerbombed By The Shield Nearly 10 Years Ago
And there you have it. The Rock considers himself — and not Roman Reigns — as the true Head of the Table. But he doesn’t want that to be misconstrued as a challenge for WrestleMania. But he loves the idea of WrestleMania. But it’s not a challenge. But he’s talked about a WrestleMania match with Reigns with somebody high up in WWE. Again — not a challenge. He loves WrestleMania and knows that a Rock/Roman main event is the single best match the WWE could put on by a long shot. But please don’t read into the fact that he just called B.S. on everything Roman Reigns has built. Nothing to see here, folks.
No, no, the Rock isn’t interested in a WrestleMania match with Roman Reigns at all. Nope. Not one bit. (OK, we’ll quit it with the sarcasm now.)
So where does this leave us? Is this just the Rock simply dangling a carrot in front of the WWE Universe, teasing us with the prospect of the biggest match in WrestleMania history, the promoter at heart just having fun with the fans? Or is it something more? Could this actually be leading toward the Rock returning to WWE once again?
One thing is certain: The door to the dream match of all dream matches has been propped open just a little bit. The ball’s in your court now, Roman.