The Biggest Shakeup On Love Island USA: What Is Casa Amor and How Does It Work?
The time has almost come for Love Island USA to look a little more like Temptation Island when Casa Amor shakes up the villa and the couples
Season 6 of Love Island USA has already been a frenzy of romantic pairings and uncouplings, but the heat is about to get cranked up with the impending Casa Amor twist that is part and parcel of every single season of Love Island USA. For weeks (typically about halfway through the season), we'll have watched the Fiji vacationing singles get paired off with one another based on their chemistry together. Some are very into their new partner while others are not.
For those who have seemingly found their possible persons, the Casa Amor episodes are going to put those assumptions to the ultimate test. But before we get ahead of ourselves, some may be wondering what exactly Casa Amor is. So, if you're unfamiliar or simply need a refresher, here's everything you need to know about Love Island USA's biggest twist.
How Does Casa Amor Work?
A secret text usually kicks off the Casa Amor midseason twist, prompting either the original guys, or the original girls (it alternates per season) to exit the main villa and take up residence in Casa Amor. The other half of the couple remains right where they are, but that doesn't meen new fun doesn't await.
Trouble then comes through the proverbial door as six new gentlemen and six new ladies are introduced to the two separated villas to get to know one another. If that sounds a lot like a different show you may have heard of, it's because it is.
Given a minimum of four days to mingle and mix with their new "friends," the question becomes: how strong are those new Love Island USA bonds? And how easily will the bubble of new romance burst when a hot new option moves in? Many a strong couple has broken up after Casa Amor is over.
The Temptations Are Real
As always, Love Island USA will most definitely spice up the stakes by having the new villa combinations participate in a whole host of sexy challenges meant to build friendships, and chemistry, quickly. That's no problem for any of the couples who maybe weren't feeling their pairings as deeply as they wanted. The influx of new people is the perfect opportunity to get some clarity about what was working, or not working with their now separated partner.
But what about the couples who were really into one another? As the separated couples are not able to see "if the cat will play when the mouse is away," this is the ultimate experiment to test new and fragile bonds of trust. It's also a window into the psychology of plenty of the players, as the seeds of jealousy most certainly bloom, or the separations might trigger them dredging up prior relationship baggage. It's potentially a mess fest, and frankly, we're here for it.
How Does Casa Amor Come to A Close?
Somewhere in the span of a week, the singles who were split amongst the two villas will have some decisions to make. With the clarity of time spent away, and most likely tested by their connection(s) with someone new, they will be asked if they want to go back to their prior "love" match, or instead commit to their new amor for the remainder of the season.
In prior seasons, this moment is the real "love bomb" as all of those prior pairings and commitments are vulnerable to a redo. Once each person has made their decision, their old partner comes back from Casa Amor and reveals what they decided. Sometimes the singles are really shocked by their own shift in affections and choice to swap. Regardless of intent, what we get are some big blindsides for one-half of the previous pairing, as they come to learn their paramour was tempted by someone else. Heartbreak, anger and some dramatic breakups almost always ensue. To make matters worse, those in the original pairing who are essentially "dumped" also get sent home. That's some heavy insult on top of injury to wade through.
New episodes of Love Island USA Season 6 are available for streaming six days a week on Peacock. Catch up on all the seasons of Love Island USA on Peacock as well.
Originally published Aug 7, 2023.