The Prizefighter Returns: Kevin Owens & Drew McIntyre's Epic Brawl Interrupted By Usos
Drew McIntyre is prepped to face Roman Reigns at Clash at the Castle, but The Prizefighter is looking to the future.

Last night on RAW, fans were treated to an old-school, instant-classic wrestling matchup between Kevin Owens and Drew McIntyre. It could quite possibly prove to be the best 30 minutes on RAW this year — at least, so far!
The segment began with Drew McIntyre cutting a promo about his upcoming match with Roman Reigns at Clash at the Castle. McIntyre vowed to win the match and be the fighting champion that both the titles and the fans deserve. Suddenly, he was interrupted by a frustrated Kevin Owens, who took great offense to McIntyre’s claim that he essentially has been carrying the WWE roster on his back for three years.
Owens explained that he’s felt lost in the shuffle of WWE for quite some time now, but it’s time to bring back the old Kevin Owens: The Prizefighter. The speech was intense and you could feel the passion oozing out of Owens. Just when fans thought the promo part of the segment couldn’t get any better, McIntyre opened up about why he feels like the man in WWE and about what it was like to get fired and work hard to get back to the big leagues.
“I was the chosen one 15 years ago. Then I got fired! Then I had to work my ass off, earn my way back to this company- I didn’t call WWE, they called me! Now I’ve worked my ass off every day since. I’m a two time champion, I’ve beaten Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, Randy Orton, everyone that’s stood in my path. Don’t you dare look me in the eye and pull that BS again!” McIntyre said, emotion running deep.
With fans in the arena fired up after two passionate speeches, Owens and McIntyre decided they were “two wrestlers in a wrestling ring” and needed to settle their differences in the only way that made sense.
The match itself was one of the best of the year with both men hitting jaw-dropping maneuvers that people their size shouldn’t be able to perform. From Moonsaults to Swanton Bombs off the top rope, both men left it all in the ring.
Before McIntyre could put Owens away, The Usos entered the ring and attacked McIntyre, causing a disqualification. Although fans were disappointed that this incredible matchup ended in a disqualification and not a clean victory, the outcome was the right call. It allowed for both Owens and McIntyre to remain protected while further advancing the Bloodline vs. McIntyre feud.
After the match, McIntyre was jumped by both Uso brothers but still managed to gain the upperhand and clear the ring. The Scottish Psychopath looked like a beast here and this match was definitely made to make him look unstoppable ahead of his title match with Roman Reigns at Clash at the Castle in Wales.
Make sure to watch Clash at the Castle Saturday, Sept. 3 on Peacock to see Drew McIntyre challenge Roman Reigns for the WWE Undisputed Universal Championship.